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MegaZard - Gibon Raper
HelloI had a little producingblock for a copple of months without originality/ ideas and stuff. I found this one back in my old files and I kind of worked further on it.
220 bpm Tek
It needs more variation, mastering and more FX's etc. but I posted this to give an idea of what i could become, so please give me some advices and tips and such so I an finish this one!
Tell me what you think about it and I hope you enjoi it!
MegaZard top 5:
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SaPeR [be] - 16 years ago
darsyde [be] - 16 years ago
IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago
nice speed, don't lower the bpm ;)
something i allways have with tek, a personal suggestion you might say, you could slowly introduce chopped up breaks, evolving to a kind of breakcore sound, but not to long, and the kabaaam back to basics with that pumping beat. (what i have in mind is the opposite from breakcore, they tend to put some 4/4 beats in it from time to time, switching between them and the chaos. i think this might be something to try out, bu then reversed als het ware)
hope you got rid of that block, i know the feeling. really annoying
keep up the persistence ;)