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IskaRiot - how to dance mambo


Long long time since i posted something. Far from finished, advice is allways welcome. No mastering whatsoever at this point, so no use mentioning that...

play it loud, break some stuff, hit your father in the face, go wild...

EDIT: lesson 2: now hit your mama in the face^^

just longer, some amen-eq'ing, much flaws remaining (cfr slechte overgang blabla)...

EDIT²: again a bit longer, not much happend about the mastering, again i went crazy hearing it over & over again. final version for now, untill i feel like a proper finish is needed. 'till that time: happy raving!





CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago

final part is niceness^^

eum, think you're realy heading the right way, but I'd advise to EQ more:
-the first amen: more mid & high freq
-basses sound a bit wrongfully eq-ed too

keep em commin

omihoshbin [be] - 16 years ago

hitting father in the face as we are speaking.
the end is nice you should def build on that. intro could be more intresting, i'd say, use more panning and fun stuff to spice it up.
thumb up ^ ^

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

thanks laddies (no not the plural of lady)
i started out with the final part, had some major troubles fitting it with the rest. just pasted it after what i got so far and it worked, kinda. will be finishing this in my spare time this month, should be finished by the end of this month, i hope

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

uh!...I repeat UH!
wicked wicked rollin ov the A-men's.
Rather original aproach with the samples.
Cool foefeling around.
Like the speed.
thumb one and two up.

'kunt er altijd zodanig veel kanten mee uit,so I say foefel some more

thanx for the mambo-lesson

OsaModas [be] - 16 years ago

cool idea to take on lou bega. im sure papi wouldn't like this

particle [be] - 16 years ago

begint hier te vlotten! zitten nog goeie stukken in mss juist wa eq'en

BowG [be] - 16 years ago

Really nice! Grtz from the dude from the train a couple of weeks ago (yes i am the guy on the left of the Triple Trouble pic). Keep going!

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

ja eq moe nog es gebeuren he, moet eigenlijk zoveel nog gebeuren...
if papi doesn't like it he can kiss my butox, oh man, if i ever met lou bega in person... he would have trouble standing up to pee the next day!
thanks for the possitive comments, edits might follow, or i could just finish it, dunno, icz tracks kinda rule, hehe, good to know if you're heading the right way...

Omyiga [be] - 16 years ago

oink i thought I had already commented on this
so: nice, especially towards the end
beginning is a bit weird (iets met die hihats ofzo kweeni) but the buildup is cool and nice panning effects too

Akwalek [be] - 16 years ago

ritmik is fat
bass aswell
i think what i miss is a story or sumtin
cant say anythin bout the quality cuz its on small boxes over here...
tis sowieso ook te kort :D
vet hard, ma ik mis iets da u meesleurt in de agressie... een sub-melo, of nen break met vrouwen gejank

baart [be] - 16 years ago

kzie niet echt in waarom vrouwengejank u zou meesleuren? :)

Khaozeng1ne [be] - 16 years ago

Aaight nice amen workout :)
Keep on ur Crazy Core Workz
let me know if u post some morge here!!!

Khaozeng1ne [be] - 16 years ago

die akwa mist echt vijze ...
kwam die eerst van de goa ... me al die Melo zeik
ale kweeni (RIOT ik vin da een bon trakske ....
als ik da hoor op een feesje zou ik ineenz een boost adrenaline krijgen en shit )

Akwalek [be] - 16 years ago

ik geef toe dat ik ABSoluut verkeerd kan zijn... ma bon... ik zeg wa ik denk op het moment van het luistere, in volledige eerlijkheid, waar de producer ter zake elemaal mee doet wat hem wilt natuurlijk...
ik bedoelde met vrouwengejank iet zang achtig ma twisted, met een vijs los inderdaad:), in den eventuele break

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

lol. thanks dudes, got some ideas, got motivated to finish..

goa of wa? my personal opinion: muziek voor fluitezuigers! ma tis blijkbaar goe gekomen ;)

jup da zou er eigenlijk wel nog inpassen... kga mij eerst fixeren op het erin proppen van de trompetten uit mambo #5, dan gaak da wijvengeblijt ke checken ;)

jupjup, leutig boelke hier op ebel

Khaozeng1ne [be] - 16 years ago

hehe u can say that again :P

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

ok: leutig boelke hier op ebel (ja ik verveel mij)

Andy24 [be] - 16 years ago

good build up to a pounding mambo rave track!! nice variations with the amen material
i can hear you are a hardcore lou bega fan;)

rainbox [be] - 16 years ago

now i'm bored as well

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago


HyeVolture [be] - 16 years ago

cool begin, khebt natuurlijk al duust keer gehoord ondertussen, ma bon :p afwerken geblazen wa!

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

hehe, i just want your thumbs boy!
danke mooi

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago

stevigen edit

keep it up

Aceton [be] - 16 years ago

Hi mate,
nice work , specially 1.30 till end that part drive me verry verry crazy!! I like the way you play with that vocal.mabe some advice what you have now for your intro is good but maybe @ some more mambo shit maybe you can start with that part of the of the original vocal '1 2 3 4 5 everybody in tha house bla bla...& than the introbreakz with some cutted meloparts of the mamboshit at the background must be good no? l& that kick who starts @ 49 sec is nice but there's something not whrite. but man I realy like that last part omg exelent work but my friend I will send you some frenchcore, deathcore kicks maybe you can juse them maybe not feel free see ya later mate peace


IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

yeah that intro needs to be worked on, i had the same idea, but i kinda don't wanna do that due to copyright stuff, they wanna avoid that shit here on ebel. that's why i keep the recognizable stuff under 3 seconds, and i try to fuck it up just beyond recognition... and still i fear someday this will be gone from ebel if i use to much known parts
Kick indeed also needs some work, and some french/deathcorekicks are allways welcome. Had some that x&trick gave me, but i lost 'em during virus infection...

the noize shit after mambo=shit is actually a corey taylor scream with lots of disto und shit. ...

maybe another edit will follow before i post the finished version. just longer... maybe some new kicks, def some new breaks & panning. and an outro if i can make one fit ^^

thanks mates

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

yup, good follow up to previous version.

Idd also get a boost on a party, but Idd get tired of it after the second track :)) so...not enough my style to help you further

IndustrialFreq [be] - 16 years ago

Wtf! Very nice snarework man!!!! Keep up the good work! Are you member of a label yet? I was wondering....


IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

haha, label, you joker :D
nah i haven't bothered any label with my two tracks ^^
you offering something? :p
thanks for comment!

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

but it may be harder

ZeBrokenEgg [fr] - 16 years ago

Fuckin dadaist hardcore!
Really cool rythmic work...
Impressive! You got your own feeling. Tasty. Everythings is already said, so keep rockin'!

NotAnameYet [be] - 16 years ago

damn fuckin draadloos internet-bullshit...
dit is de derde keer dak dit moet herschrijven, dus e beetje ingekort: VET nummer, lekker hard, its a bit short inderdeedy, but u know how they say: kort ma krachtig, love the screaming parts!!!

in verband met u plagiaat op
mamba nummer 5

try 2 reverse the sample, create a new melodie with the reversed sample, and then cut it, ik denk da ge daar zelfs meer bevrediging uit gaat halen!!!

en maybe 4 de lol: zou vet zijn om er een breakske met een jodelaar tussenin te vlammen, en die sample dan volledig kapotknippen, en er zelf ene nieuwe jodel van maken...

And 4 the last: donno hit them parentz, lad!!!


(wat is uwe worstel-naam?)



CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago

stevigen edit, tlied es schonekes geëvolueerd!

thumb up, good job!

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

thank you all, you've been a great help, as usual ;)

aaan de naamloze: echt wel vette ideeën, ma geen zin om hier nog aan verder te werken. time to move on...

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

pure boem klets.
nice mashing at the ending.

HyeVolture [be] - 16 years ago

ik kan maar aan een ding denken bij den dezen he: mat hoffman

ZeBrokenEgg [fr] - 16 years ago

Your musik is really made for party, try to make a live, and i will be one of your fan dude! (i really think what i'm sayin).

Freakywrath [fr] - 16 years ago

Power to the floor nigga !
really powerfull breakcore song
there a lot's of comments so keep this vibes and make a liveset to broke the people's legs

Aceton [be] - 16 years ago

Hi mate
sorry for the delay of the samples but I have some probs sending files. my smallband ends 1ste nov.

so about the song progress is nice , & make some lives man :D
keep up I keep in touch tjooo

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

thanks, glad to get so many possitive comments, even from france ^^
ebel worldwide enal ^^

MrBadMonkey [be] - 16 years ago

really cool track (you know my opinion bout it)...but...i've listend a couple times more to it, and i think you could do a whole lot more with this tune...adding a break somewhere or so...so you've got a part that is more calm down and then...KABANG!! would work verry good i think...also play more with your fx in the intro or make more crazy edits...or do both ^^...it's really a cool tune...go for it to make it a killertrack!!

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

will do my friend, i never consider my tracks finished, i just put them online when i'm tired of working on them. to get advise like you just gave me ;)
but for now no edits planned, just started a new song :)


Khaozeng1ne [be] - 15 years ago

headbanging shit mate !!!

IskaRiot [be] - 15 years ago

danke, ma ge had hier al gecomment ze ;)

grasmaaier [be] - 15 years ago

most terrific