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Astro Transfer - Northpole


Introducing the first track as Astro Transfer (DonTimmeh + Doompater). We're not sure if it's finished yet, due to the fact that it's quite short and it might need a few small touches here and there. All comments are certainly welcome :)


Astro Transfer top 5:



BlueSpike [be] - 16 years ago

Not bad, nice ideas and nice sounds. Although I would change the bass because the highest frequencies of the bass like interfere with your lowpitch synths. (Could be just my opinion, or my boxes, but that's what it sound like to me)
Also, your mean lead, not the arp one but the simple one, could go a bit crazier at the end, higher notes, crazier rhythms.
But good track nonetheless, just change it a bit here and there, make it a bit longer,...
Keep it up ;)