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Sonthc - Intalization


Well,it's not finished yet..
I'm just making a mix of some beats,melodies etc.
It may not be good mastered (still need to figure that part out rigth.)

Hope you guys enjoy it!





CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago

nice party-able stuff^^

not to fond of all that flanging in the beginning


Freakywrath [fr] - 16 years ago

good vibes, really enjoy the last part with some 90's tekno dnb synth ! a little mastering could be great especially for the bass
have fun

Sonthc [be] - 16 years ago

im working on it,tips could be lovely..
(Fruity loops)

eatme [nl] - 16 years ago

Some more (depth in the) chorus could be on the bass synth/sample. I really miss some delay / dropping fx on the drop. The melody is pretty jump-up and happy, I like that. Sounds like a very cool idea, but still unfinished.