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Psyfrog - Musick


My goal was to make some Psychedelic, and it seems to have worked out very well, for a lot of positive feedback I have been given.

Please be so kind to give feedback as well, if you have the time to listen you also have the time to react, no?





aphone [be] - 15 years ago

yep, nice work, kinda missin some punch in low frequ but its details, the vibe is good for me, structure too, its a good job !
Maybe you could change it to another section, downbeat isnt the best place imho...
Keep on producin menneke !!

aphone [be] - 15 years ago

btw, please fill in your profile :) go on users songs, write some comments and you ll have some in return for shure :)

eudaimonia [be] - 15 years ago

mmm I like! it's a giant climax! different but very nice!

Psyfrog [be] - 15 years ago

Thanks, Eudaimonia. I was hoping for someone to say that;) my inspiration was the climax from the song Hypnotivze by Painkiller, from the album License to heal. Painkiller is a great source of inspiration for me, for I try to make Psychedelic just as they do. They're so..magnificent

Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

Your music isn't realy my thing, but none the less is it quite convincing and intense. I certainly like it, and if i could, i would add it to my collection of "weird" songs i like.