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Nowe - Too far of me


I can't explain why this compo exist, it 's too personnal. But it's a sad story...
enjoy the listening :)





eddie [be] - 20 years ago

nice. I don't have a lot of words for this compo. real nice job. Perhaps I would take away the synth string and replace it with something more accoustic sounding. But anyway, really nice composition !!

grtz & respect

aphone [be] - 20 years ago


i like this mood!!!
maybe you should put a beat on it?...can i do it for u???

(sad stories make always good musik...)

Nowe [be] - 20 years ago

ty :) i have give that compo to a friend. that must stay like that.. but ty, really for ur interest

Arkitect [be] - 20 years ago

frighten soundtrack++

very sad - no happy end to your story as we can listen


Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

This song is absolutely beautiful. It really has a story

Grinmusic [be] - 14 years ago

nice, you almost feel what you feeled when you made this... wonderfull :)

Geerhard [be] - 2 years ago

compelling melody, there is a beautiful story in this song