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cestqui - pump up the volume


found the perfect sample pack for a remix,so this is the result after a few brainstorming(sample-start- pi tching)hours
i've atached a jpeg in my gallery,of my phase meter






aphone [be] - 20 years ago


this is nice !!!!
wel done

Funky [be] - 20 years ago

Nice pack you found there! ;) Fat bassline sound man! Overall sounds sound way more finished as some of your previous songs....
First time you checked your work with that sound check tool? Or what is that? I've read something Zark had posted in the forum about a soundanalyzer...
Anyway...I'm glad I've heard some house again on E-bel... To few housy producers.. Pitty...
Nice work...Keep it up!

cestqui [be] - 20 years ago

i've been monitoring my songs for some time now(1.5 years)since i've been freakin on mastering

i use pinguin audiometer to look at corelation ,volume -phase and eq

ya can monitor audio in soundforge and wavelab etc.......
but pinguin is more advanced and acurate....it must be....it seems in the info file it costs 250euro's.damn....no wonder everybody dl these types of software