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Jeller - Moesjroommate


This is a track I made a few months ago, felt like posting it because I didn't post any goa lately.

Style is uptempo with lots of liquid sounds and razor leads. The atmosphere is mysterious but not really dark, at least not evil horror :)

Inspired by the great russian producers and thanksĀ³ to Mubali for teaching me tricks on the razor leads after the 3/4 part!!





Lapsus [be] - 15 years ago

cool track! some sounds are excellent, very psychedelic ,very liquid!
a bit too fast for me, but very good work!
maybe one little comment, the sound in general is very good, but the bass sound is bit dull sometimes
(klinkt wa dof en een beetje 'ver')

AnnoM [be] - 15 years ago

lot of variation, cool perc-like synthsounds. classic phazur elements, inventive breaks and decent leads. love the 3/4 part! very nice switch to 4/4 again. good build up and pumping end.
up ;)

Jeller [be] - 15 years ago

thx for the comments!

agree that the bass can be a bit stronger, doesn't have a lot of mid or gets a bit pushed away.. but played it on some parties and it was still rolling and present so i guess it doesn't matter that much

Psymphonium [be] - 15 years ago

Very nice track, i really enjoyed it (like most of your tracks) I love your liquid style.. the song stays psychedelic till the end but does not lose de samenhang.
at some parts the bass is indeed pulled back abit,, less noticeble when i put monitors much louder, but your kick bass combo is superb by itself!!
thanks for posting this song, it really fills my psychedelic-loving mind with sweet energetic waves. (ps, that so called razor lead is awsome, gj )


Doompater [be] - 15 years ago

zeer strakke song , would like to hear it on a party

Jeller [be] - 15 years ago

I will play it on Heron festival
www.heron-festival.be ;)

particle [be] - 15 years ago

great, sounds unbelievable tight, you can make me dig goa :)

Guga [be] - 15 years ago


Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

good song keep up the good work!