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akkused - Daydream


Tried to make dubstep, but after a while it sounded more like a chillout song. Not completely happy with the breaks, but it's the first time I tried to make something like it. Not completely done, that's why I'm hoping to get some comments. Thx in advance!





SEXTOY [be] - 15 years ago

Melody's notes are ok, sound pretty dark and chill. But your samples, synth and all sounds you're using are really "cheap". Sounds crappy and confused.

I don't think you're ready to own the dubstep style (but keep trying).

MrEmvee [be] - 15 years ago

Try making some variations in your beat , doesn't have to be much , and to give it a rolling feeling use some hi-hats maybe ( depends on how you want your song to sound like ) , maybe even some glitch beats ?
All depends on how you want it to sound , keep trying , it gets funner =D cheers

Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

great composition