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Djuna - MoH_11


What went through my head? Not much, really. Made this a while ago during a dreamy night. The ending is a bit short, chaotic and weird, but i guess that's just taste. ^^





AnnoM [be] - 15 years ago

nice. gonna comment properly when i can hear it in decent circumstances.

AnnoM [be] - 15 years ago

really fat acid!!! i really love your main lead, onz of the best i heard in months. your kick may be a bit louder imo, and maybe perc also a bit more upfront, beside that nice mix, good structure, and again, awesome lead. ending could indeed be a bit less abrupt ;d

Djuna [be] - 15 years ago

Thanks for commenting again ^^ You're absolutely right about that, but I'm going to leave this one as it is.. It has stopped interesting me :p