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Dun Gun Cru - Sundaylite in the morning


This is a unfinished version , there's still a couple of things we need to alter .
Dun Gun Cru is a trio of producers and a duo of djs that came together to make some nice sounding music , mostly house tech house minimal and some funky stuff.
We hope you like our first ( unfinished ) track..
The vocals are stil a bit off.





cestqui [be] - 15 years ago

the second sax sample aint conform with the rhodes sample.and there is too mutch reverb on the sax.other then that i got a nice houzy feel,nice drums.but i have the feeling you guys work too mutch with premade samples.try to make your own rhythms and rhodes chords

grtz newbees,stef

MrEmvee [be] - 15 years ago

Ye we used some samples but we took the descensy to chope em and create our own thing with it , we need to find some descent rhodes vsts and a midi controller before we can enjoy playing them ourselves , but thanks for the tips ; well be sure to bare them in mind when we continue this track , cheers !

Funky [be] - 15 years ago

it has a little soulfuric twist to it... Needs more tweak'n though.. And it would ofcourse be even better if the composition were entirely yours instead of samples.... Like the style so keep going at it! ;-) grtz