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adrenalin - The Origin Of Hawking, Stephen


I used the original beep sample of the Zx-Spectrum (Speccy Powder (48k :D)) to create a blend of Chiptune/Electro/New Wave track. Used also a sample of The Origin Of The Universe by Hawking, Stephen. Stephen Hawking to be more exzakt. Since i am a Spectrum Fan from my youthhood it was really fun to make this.
Experimented also a little with tempo changes throughout logic's medium.





Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

you're contending vermin twins to the crown? :)

adrenalin [be] - 15 years ago

haha no , vermin twins are friends i know these people since a very long time :)
but thanks for passing by

Scootchy [be] - 15 years ago

goooood, nice mouvement on the last part!

adrenalin [be] - 15 years ago

thx fellas

Akwalek [be] - 15 years ago

wow... mi likes man... keep up, only the second speedin up part could use more variation imho

liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago

luv it