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MDEMMA - Dybbuk.


new kick and bassline

made this a few weeks ago after an acid trip

first attempt to some dark spy
was very hard to get the bassline and kick especially because i had to do it with standard fl samples
so try not to pay too much attention to that

there is a suite long ambient part somewhere in the middle, I was planning to sample 12 monkeys for that bit but my sampling software isnt working so i'm just uploading it like this :D

it turned out okay but i'm not sattisfied with it





antares [be] - 15 years ago

Atmo is pretty cool, but why don't you download some good kick samples, and use a good vst to make a bass? :p Because now your kick is just a high pitched sound panned to the right with no bass at all, and your bassline isn't that great either.. Tis could be a good track if you change that..

MDEMMA [be] - 15 years ago

yeah thats the problem i dont have any idea where i can download some good trance kicks and vsts

i have over 10gb of hc samples but no psy trance like samples at all

antares [be] - 15 years ago

Good kick vst : Bazzism, and for bass : try Alien 303 :)
but there are tons of other good vst out there..

MDEMMA [be] - 15 years ago

thanx for the tip :)

Kreyz [be] - 15 years ago

da moet nogal ne acid trip geweest zoijn :p
ik ken de fuck van goa, dus enigste wak kan zegge is dat et nog ne goeie production is voor fruity bizznes. coole atmoeeeee ook :d

MDEMMA [be] - 15 years ago

trip viel wel mee :D was ni zo aangrijpend ware veel dark ant luistere terwijl, daarmee dak t wou make


Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

again way too boring. try other things then just rip samples.

MDEMMA [be] - 15 years ago

dont like synths, makes it sound too gay and trance-ish

but you're right, its too boring

mONo [be] - 14 years ago

Again , no melody , only fxe's and noises .