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CDawg - What I Make


Wow, I've been looking around on my e-bel page and until 'My Ways',
I didn't put up any songs for MORE THAN A YEAR...
To make it up, now I don't stop! ;)
Plus, in that year, I've found the time to make listenable stuff in FLS!

Yea, beat and f-ing lyrics by me!


Pure C





Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

how jo! als ge deez op een cd'ke hebt, let me know. ge zijt echt een stuk beter geworden.

MnemOnic [be] - 15 years ago

blijven gaan kerel :D

Gloomer [be] - 15 years ago

keep on going

Rabauw [be] - 15 years ago

Not so impressive as your other track, but you do got the talent man....and maybe what's more important, you got spirit, enthusiasm and an honest belief in yourself and what you're doing.
I can only encourage you to keep going!
I'm not even much of a hiphop fan, but you got my support man! Like your style!

But you definitely gotta make your songs longer, elaborate them more, better musical structures, you know, so you get 100% finished and complete songs.