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CDawg - Slow


i made this song in like 1.30hours. niiice eeeh?:)
i like the hook,, "slow, slow" hmmm.. check it out n leave some comments. n lemme know if you got a new song you want me to check out or sometin, i like to here new stuff






Distreality [be] - 17 years ago

good tune !!!

i like the flow a lot...

to finish it up, i'd dare to use some delays on the snare here and there...

and feel free to check some of my tracks ;)

DeHomunculus [be] - 17 years ago

very nice :o very nice indeed.

Kleptomik [be] - 17 years ago

Are you singing? I have the impression to hear 50cent dr dre ! You have some future in hip hop guy !

CDawg [be] - 17 years ago

yea i sing,, no dr dre,, no 50cent. just good old C-Dawg :)

a future in hiphop?? i like hearing stuff like that,, really means a lot to me.


eckhart [be] - 17 years ago

hey nice man ;) dont know a lot about hiphop (and generally dont really like it :) to be honoust) but this sounds good! it reminds me a bit of the nineties hiphopsound (e.g. Trae ft Hawk (Swang) (got to know this by a friend .. check http://youtube.com/watch?v=IFCY1RIZ-WA). anyway i like the way you use 'real' instruments in hiphop, cause that seems to be sumtin out of the past hehe. anyway this comment is way too long :d and i need sleep :) grts