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Wasabi - evar cisum


Not finished and because of examinations I don't have spare time to finish it at the moment.
I'm curious what people think of this song, so I don't want to wait till February to hear some comments.

It's a rave inspired song with a locomotive drive. Wasabian Tekno.





Ndus3alFrequenC [be] - 15 years ago

Naais! Lekker harde kick!
Keep on going!!
'k heb ook een acid core nrtje gemaakt, "Battery acid" zeker eens beluisteren als je terug op breedband zit! :d

Wasabi [be] - 15 years ago

Zal ik doen, denk dat ik het al wel eens beluisterd heb hoor.

AnnoM [be] - 15 years ago

structure is ok, there is however imo a bit to much noise in the track. less dist on the perc would help i think. good W.T.