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rool (ntk) - legomusic (ebel 909 contest)


this is my entry for the ebel 909 contest.. i'm not participating to win the electrobel laundry washer, bacause what you'll hear is a leftover of what i've made on a PC with the freewaretracker 'noisetrekker' when i was already switching to a complete new setup. anyways, i thought it might be fun for everyone just to hear a different approach, so here's my upload.

as requested for this contest: no automated effects were used whatsoever. there was one effect we could use, but that wasn't even possible in noisetrekker. automation is also not possible. so it was truly kind of like playing with lego: you have tiny bricks to use in every way possible.

some of the usual tricks i've applied: i've used different octaves of the same sounds on the left and right to enhance the stereo feel, and i've looped a basskick sample to be able to have some melody in it. this track is nothing more than a sequence of ideas, so build-up is terrible.

(composed with noisetrekker 2final)




ElPietro [be] - 15 years ago

like it a lot, very catchy!