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rool (ntk era) - overwhelmed


this is not really what i normally do... but it kind of happened to me. i called it 'overwhelmed', 'cause it reminds me of a summer crush i had once and which swept me back and forth between melancholic feelings and a downright readiness to conquer the world.

(edit 28/02/2009: i added a 303-bassline, kept the electric bassguitar, made the track longer and completed it with some extra pads... not really sure about the 303 yet. i'll make a 'mixable' version as well using the hihat-idea)

not really sure if this qualifies as jungle...

(edit 02/09/2009: this track is reworked into a movie soundtrack, listen to it here: [url]http://www.electrobel.be/muzik/26568/overwhelmed__orchestra_version_[/url])

(composed with noisetrekker 2final, 163 bpm)





CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago

real great intro (might need some HH's to give dj's the ability to pitch right if you'd spread it for those perposes)

good structure, though its just one build up. Maybe after the end (when you go back to the pads & stuff) start it up again with the breaks & stuff (but different none the less...)

only minor: not feeling the synth & stuff all the time

thumb up!

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

i think the bassguitar is kinda cool, combined with some acidsounds that would really kick ass i think (or maybe i'm thinking squarepusher here)
def not your everyday jungle, which is real good, was really surprised by it, cool rythms and such. dunno if they bould fit, but a couple of pitched snares might give it a cool punch. allthough i'm really not sure, too much of them would rapidly become an overkill since it's not the usual jungle style, but a few could be a cool detail, and give it an extra jungle touch.


Skip [be] - 16 years ago

for that inbetween part, I would fade the part at 01:18(first hh'ts and stuff) more slower in.for a longer buildup towards the "ontploffing :))
Makes the kick less ,in your face imo.
trance and breaks,I like.Not rreally jungle.but wouldnt know where to put myself.
nice one though

rool [be] - 16 years ago

well, guys... you've given me all some really good tips (hihats at the beginning, some acid-sounds... really good ideas). i'm gonna work on it. thank you.

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

Very nice

MrBadMonkey [be] - 16 years ago

cool track...but not really jungle for me :) ...more like a cross over between ambient and dubstep or so...dunno...keep up!!

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago

very original aproach
very nice song

deff thumb

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

hoohoo. love the low pads in the intro.
fat bassline, nice 'n cracky.
waaaw I really like.
aout the 303; Idd try maybe some longer notes (have a fair amount of elements alreaddy so I understand the simple line for the 303)
one of your coolest tracks

Paranoized [be] - 16 years ago

im in love with the intro... gives me goose bumps

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

good sound

SEXTOY [be] - 16 years ago

I really don't like the mix of jungle breaks and those kind of house/danse synth pads and arpegio melody with delay. Only the break is jungle in this track.

rool [be] - 16 years ago

sextoy, i obviously don't agree with you, but you took the time to write down why you gave me a thumb down (i just hope it's not because this isn't pure jungle). so, respect.

eatme [nl] - 15 years ago

Hoi! Very nice piece of moozic this be.

Cool progress in the 303 sound, nice backing strings, fancy filtering over the breakbeat. Good low bass sounds in the kicks. Very nice overall sound (mastering). Very good melodics and harmony.

It's a bit unjunglish, more relaxing synthesizer breakbeat music, absolutely worth listening.

Voxcoder [be] - 15 years ago

jup good shit

MazeS [be] - 15 years ago

sweet mate, a bit of a trance/acidlike atmosphere which i'm not to fond of but the drums... omg the drumlines are awesome, and that makes up big time in this track, for me anyway

SEXTOY [be] - 15 years ago

J'me permets un comm' en français pasque j'ai trop la flemme. Mais après réécoute, je trouve le break jungle (ragge) vraiment énorme, et j'trouve qu'il mérite une version plus appropriée (pour moi les sons trance / tek gâchent vraiment le plaisir pour ceux qui n'aiment vraiment pas c'genre).

Bref, du bon boulot, mais je reste sur ma faim ;). La version orchestra est pas mal sinon.