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BoRDeRbeats - Druppels (ft. Moriz)


okay uhm,

it's a dubstep track i made with a vocal on it.
I took the vocal from a rapsong that a friend recorded at my house. (It's West-Flamish, so i guess some people won't get it), anyway...

I already had some unexpected good comments for this, so i would like to know what you all think overhere....

EDIT: I did some more work on the vocals
and the last part of the song. So i guess it's finished
for me. some more feed is welcome. thanks for listening.






Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

kzallet ton wok geweun in twestvloams zeggn. Zalig skijve gast! Beat en ryhm passen goe samen. Respect vanuit Deerlijk...

Letrange [be] - 15 years ago

dark deepness

IoNiZeR [be] - 15 years ago

like it ;-)

BoRDeRbeats [be] - 15 years ago


mONo [be] - 15 years ago

Deep but dark and if you put some english words inside , it will sounds better ...

MazeS [be] - 15 years ago

ye not bad, has this kinda gangsta feel hehe, made me think a little of virus syndicate, though i would try to make the drums slightly more complex


corbendallas [be] - 14 years ago

sounds very good !
i don t like so much the vocals but the track is very deep !

BoRDeRbeats [be] - 14 years ago

@corbendallas: Thanks for the comments on the beat/track.

@mono: thanks, and i guess it would sound nice with some english vocals.
Maybe easier for most people to get it, more 'universal'...but it sounds good to me, so...

@MazeS: virus syndicate, thanks... nice compliment.
Maybe i should try something different with the drums..
so it could go even better with the lyrics n stuff...
good idea (Didn't put much work in the drums)

thanks for the comments