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liquidbass - Desperado Dubstep


Look daddy what I made lately... flamenco goes steppin'

Influenced by a handful of amazing dubstep creators on ebel.



Updated song structure. Shortened the intro.
Snare and Kick: EQs & compression
Added an additional bass synth + filters
Sliced Guitarpart2 to midi and turned it into Glitch + fx (hello sisifus)
Added dub fx
Worked on wobbles up from 4:00.
(->well this is the point that leaves me unsatisfied for the moment. Asking myself if I shouldn't take these tiny wobbles off.)

[b]Edit 2:[/b]110410

added stereo synth fx on part2
deleted automations on bass on the final part
dezombified the final part by adding a slow dnb beat
added a lead and a gated synth on that same part
made small changes in the mix
changed song title

Feedback highly appreciated! thx!!!! B-)





rf061992 [be] - 14 years ago


liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago


Letrange [be] - 14 years ago

oi oi oi! liquidbass goes dubstep!
I like it. Bass is intresting, and deep!
I would prefer the snare with a little more mid and high, like more crispy or something. imo offcourse.
On the drop at 3min or 4:20 why not a new bass sound little bit distorted to spice it up more and more.
But actually very nice like it is... it is just my ideas while listening to it.
Looking foward to hear some more dubstep project from you!

Janus [be] - 14 years ago

Nice tune !
Homewer I found that the guitar sounds too lazy at the end so you should add variation on it (breakcore style >< :P ), if it's not sliced just don't consider this first comment ;)

Second thing you could add an other bass, with trebble on it to make a metalic sound (check out the bass by Datsik for example, his Vst's are nicely done imo).

Third, you could make a pitch push every times you change your bass note (at the end of the note, or at the begining of the new one) it gives good effects in general.

I say that as a listener, I suck at making tunes so do whatever you want ;)

Keep this up

liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago

Thank you very much for your input!

Will consider every word you wrote.

Letrange [be] - 14 years ago

FRESH tune!

Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

VERY original

ShiZen [be] - 14 years ago

very cool track,very original.
i second the idea of using some glitchy slicing somewhere. also i think the bass would complement the music better if it was 2 notes or so higher.
i would change the buildup by making the solo guitar intro shorter and adding a break/pauze somewhere in the middle with the guitar and maybe one non-percussion sound

liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago

interesting thought!

SEXTOY [be] - 14 years ago

Question con mais c'est de toi la guitare ? La compo et l'interprétation j'entends.

lokataire [be] - 14 years ago


good style mix man, thanx for that sound

liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago


@ sextoy: non.

liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago

think i need guidance on the bass

(hard thing to say for someone who plays the bassguitar for almost 17 years and calls himself LiquidBass) hehehe

SEXTOY [be] - 14 years ago

J'te l'fais en français pasque j'ai pas envie d'galérer à m'expliquer en englais.

Ta basse de base est bonne. Le son est propre, clair et bien présent dans les sub et autres. Mais la "wobble" en elle-même c'est juste pwa-pwa-pwa. Tu peux essayer de changer la rythmique de la wobble en intercalant de nouvelles "vagues" genre p-p-p-ppp pwaaaa pwaaaaaaa. Pour le reste, la mélodie est bonne, les notes sont cohérentes je trouve.

Je sais pas trop comment l'expliquer vu que j'utilise fruity loops et le "fast LP" pour faire mes wobble, donc j'suis pas d'très bon conseil. Pour qu'tu comprennes le termes vagues, j'peux que te guider vers un d'mes sons "Streets in the night" qui reflête bien c'que j'entends par "intercaler des vagues".

Sinon, avis perso, mais je préférais la première version au niveau de la guitare. Je suis pas très fan de ton slice & glitch (j'trouvais qu'elle se suffisait à elle même à l'origine et qu'elle n'avait rien de lassant ou répétitif).

Voilà, en espérant que ça a pu t'aider.

liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago


Dommage. Fruity je ne connais pas du tout. Je travaille avec Live8.

Pour ce qui est des wobbles, je me suis basé sur les tutoriaux youtube pour savoir comment faire. Mais je suis loin dêtre content du resultat. Faudra probablement experimenter d'avantage.


indianajohn [be] - 14 years ago

El potantiele esta bueno!!!!

Janus [be] - 14 years ago

To change the "wobbling rate" of your bass, you need to change the speed of your LFO (via automation OR by putting an LFO that controls your other LFO rate).
I know how to make it on Reason (with a thor) but I dunno how to make it on Ableton.

By making variation I mean, like repeating a slice twice and then skip an other, etc. ;)

Not bad at all, but I would not say it's finished,
V3 ? x)

Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

ça manque d'automotion , sans dec en intro et aussi à partir de 4.05 sur l'instru picata ! le concept est superbe et c'est pas une track facile auquel tu t'attaques mon gars ! qui plus est reprendre l'intro pour faire une conclusion ouais pourquoi pas mais .... scuses moi malgré le talentueux (se)guitariste qui joues , c'est un schema trop facile ; une conclusion , soit c'est un truc qui suit son cours , tranquillou , soit elle aporte un plus par rapport à l'intro , ( normal vu que par le développement on a apprit quelquechose ) et qui plus est dans le flamenco , le final est souvent marqué par une fatalité liée de grace , un peu comme une révèrence , tu vois ? donc au plus simple tu ne déballes pas tout le schema harmonique ( nique nique ) de la guitare des l'intro mais juste un peu pour lancer ton sujet , puis un peu plus à chaques fois que tu reprends sur la guitare au cours du dévellopement , pour terminer par une conclusion epanouie complète en ponctuant par une baisse de tempo ! bon courage :)

SEXTOY [be] - 14 years ago

Perso j'trouve que le plus dur dans une wobble c'est de trouver un bon synthé qui fasse une bonne grosse basse bien propre et pas étouffée, que faire les wobbles. Comme dit Janus, suffit de modifier la séquence LFO de ta wobble, d'intercaller des "vagues" entre les autres, des plus courtes, des plus petites, des longues et lentes, etc.

Au pire pars sur un nouveau projet, pour juste tester un peu la wobble et une fois qu'tu maîtrises un peu, tu pourras reprendre ce projet-ci, que je trouve vraiment prometteur perso (j'l'ai écouté pas mal de fois et j'aime vraiment bien).

Voilà, déso pour le français ;)

Letrange [be] - 14 years ago

For me the bass is quiet nice like it is.

I think that it doens't really need a wobbling effect on it, I like it deep and slow.

hey guys! you don't need wobbles to make dubstep, you just need som low freqs playing around.

Not too fan of these glitch fx on guitar.
Much better on the eq for the drums.

"Worked on wobbles up from 4:00.
(->well this is the point that leaves me unsatisfied for the moment. Asking myself if I shouldnt take these tiny wobbles off.)"

-> I prefered with out them. imo



KAMDER [fr] - 14 years ago

good and sympatik dubsteppa tracking , hummm in my opinion the woobling is very far , you can add / or replace the bass element with a wooble synth ( there is good tuto in web to make woobling with reason if yoou can rewire :) .....) the guitar it's cool and good idea , but i think if you play guitar without some " more "punchy parts in your structure " the guitar can slow the dancing grooving force of your song , ...., initially the dubstep is for dancing , you REAVEL MORE PUNCH AND VIOLENCE in your song and it's OK ! ( it's my opinion do not afraid :) )

ZoOlR [be] - 14 years ago

liiike the deconstruction of the guitar! fits perfectly with the wobble I think, it makes the part more dark
Courage pour les wobbles

IoNiZeR [be] - 14 years ago

mighty good stuff,,i like music that sounds original and different ,thumbs up :-)

IoNiZeR [be] - 14 years ago

ain't got the previous version to compare with but this version still blows my socks off ;-)

Rag [be] - 14 years ago

jeah pretty cool

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 14 years ago

cool stuff!

Omyiga [be] - 14 years ago

cool original track man, thumb!

liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago

thanks. thanks. thanks. XD

SEXTOY [be] - 14 years ago

For me the new "dnb" passage sounds more like "breakbeat" but who cares ?

Not much fan of that part personnaly. The transition sounds a bit "abrupt" to me and I'm not sure it adds something to the track actually.

The Dubstep style was good and enough for me at all.

By the way, even if I don't really like the new style it takes , technicaly it's still very good work, proper and clean.

MazeS [be] - 14 years ago

nice track, not really my style but very brave of you to try and merge flamenco and dubstep hehe.

just dropping the bass now and then could do a lot, (instead of adding more wobbles, which is a bad idea ;)) and i prefer a more hi freq, slapping snare but that's personal opinion i guess

thumb up

HyeVolture [be] - 14 years ago

cool approach to the dubstep genre. the flamenco gives it a sunny, yet serious and slightly grave mood, which makes it actually very good. I guess the bass could be a bit more upfront, and the beats could maybe use some extra elements (some claps maybe, to stay in the flamencomood? and maybe a lady singing desperately, typical flamenco). Yeah, a lot of ideas come up, so you definitely made a great combo of styles. I would say: try a couple of songs in this style, would be great to hear what can be done with it. Thumbs up!

liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago

thx girls!

Axiomatic [be] - 14 years ago

really like this song. few practical notes (don't need to be a pro to be critical ;)) i think the kick should be a little tighter, and when you 'digitalize' the guitar maybe bring it more to the front of the mix

DReKto [be] - 14 years ago


TRaffik [be] - 14 years ago

Discovered this track yesterday (with Drekto commenting on it), and listened a few times to it since.

This is intense!! Very nice composition!
If only the bass came a lil more upfront at times, this track would be a VERY BIG ONE. Also, I expected a full on dubstep part (drums + bass only): that'd would've been nice also.

But that's all fine, cuz the guitar alone gets my juices flowing.

Absolute killer. Big ups.

liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago

thanks alot... such a part is planned... but my wobble + bass skills are still limited. Finishing my new Sample-Livesets before i get back to this.

aphone [be] - 14 years ago

you are my hero !!!!! my spanish origins are vibrating all along the tune, LAAAARGE UP man its excellent !!!

liquidbass [be] - 14 years ago

thx mr desperadophone

AnaBolicSystem [be] - 14 years ago

cool!! i read a little your comment, i agree with mens who says that you can change speed of the bass. dur dur langlais :p bref ca ferait un petit plus je trouve! sinon la guitare et tout vraiment chouette!