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Shivaji - dubdreams


dub song
kinda the way i'm trying to go
made with ableton (voornamelijk operator)
still under construction
advice is very welcome

made some structural changes and some sound changes. used more reverb, filter and dub delays,..
thanks for the tips
it's still not finished though





Jelle [be] - 14 years ago

nice flow dude!

Ace melody and sound in the beginning there, I would consider repeating it in the end.

The synth playing the chords (I think) is the only sound that needs change I think as been said. Maybe an organ would fit in nice.

You've got yourself a fine basis to build on. Vibes, melodies, breaks, most sounds and flow are present. Nog een beetje knutselen and y got yrself a tune!


CruizeOfFiction [be] - 14 years ago

very cool vibe
that subtile melo is epic, great choice in snare

add a decent basskick in the intro (I only hear the snare)... on second thought I do hear a kick, but maybe add a louder one as well
add some reverb on the flute like sound to make it more clean
Maybe make the diffrence between soft part and harder par more clear melowhise (some melo's are cleary in the soft and hard part, but that way there is less contrast when the whole beats drop in)

vert good stuff, no doubt best track of you


magzim [be] - 14 years ago

Very nice grooves, although i agree with the comments above. More reverb, delay and phaser on skank and maybe flute aswell. It will make them sound sharper and increase the variation and flow of yr song. With some more work this could be a very nie track.

Tjahzi [be] - 14 years ago

vette schijve!
keep up the good wurk mate you are improving more and more rapidly these days. big up!

IoNiZeR [be] - 14 years ago

like it

observas [be] - 14 years ago

I like this song a lot. The woop on the snare is nice, and so on. This is a verry decent track! Big up
I've made a song with almost the same name: Dreamless' dub ;) PNL

observas [be] - 14 years ago

I like this tune, smooth and catchy. The skank's variation is nice. The beat is somthing that needs a bit of work, like the hit-hats. But keep on making this kind a dub, and I'll be a fan. Peace n love