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corbendallas - tony ... tony montana!


actually it s a two part track! there are two tracks in one.

the vocals come from scarface
i tried to use different kinds of synths , especially the sick first synth in the intro
the first part is more dark
and the second one is more melancholic with a piano melody

interested in comments





Janus [be] - 14 years ago

Interesting beat !

But I'm not a great fan of the other elements =/
Sounds a bit raw ^^

endora [be] - 14 years ago

very nice !
I really digg it !

AnaBolicSystem [be] - 14 years ago

nice!!! original track! +1 and saved :d

IoNiZeR [be] - 14 years ago


Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

the first part is a bit rubbish but the second one with the piano blowed my mind out. still u should try to improve the first part and make it less chaotic. good luck

NotAnameYet [be] - 14 years ago

nice tune, but i miss heavy ness, maybey lowering the full track? nicetip in this order: add 2 youre master track: 1generalmultiband 2 louder compressor 3 limiter now you have a nice setup 4 mastering youre sounds... and i defenitly dig youre melods, try remastering this one, its gonna add more depth, really nice melody,