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Neocortex - Eternal Damnation


Not my best song. Please don't hate me, it's just something I wanted to try out (which failed). Own voice samples, kicks, etcetera etcetera.






ZoOlR [be] - 14 years ago

except the repetitiv pad, very cool try ;) good work on the quality and very nice kicks

corbendallas [be] - 14 years ago

i m mad about the kick at 2,37

WeedyG [be] - 14 years ago

I think the problem is a too high BPM for breakcore, there are some nice ideas kicks n breaks , but they loose their "power" because of that high speed .

Uutegem [be] - 14 years ago

@WeedyG: don't think so, it's 235, and for example my ohter song 'Some Serious Programming' was 275 and it sounds better than this one (or it sounds better to my ears althans). Kweet ook niet goed wat er gebeurd is, gefaald experimentje, arty farty doen past ni bij mij! :P

Omyiga [be] - 14 years ago

"i hate you!"
wijs experiment, pretty creative stuff in there but the pad int begin is a bit enoying door zn repitiviteit; pakt mss zo 4 vree lange noten/akkoorden ofzo in de plaats
(alé da zouk ik proberen)
in t geheel klinkt het ietske teveel gelijk een jamsessie ipv een lied
ma kvin wel da ge goe bezig zijt :p
en bpm maakt ni echt uit, tis oeveel geluiden ge afspeelt per tijd