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XCutioner - Uncanny Mutant


All its futuristic, is X-Cutioner. a bunch of VST. the most powerful kick, the voices in his report. I am happy with the result.

Comment or advice are welcome





endora [be] - 14 years ago


Chunkssss [be] - 14 years ago

guud shit man :D really enjoyed it!
intro is kinda basic , but that makes a good contrast for the rest , maybe just put a pad under there or something to fill it a bit up. for the rest : nothing left to say, sick kick, timing, melo's,...
keep this up man

XCutioner [be] - 14 years ago

thank you! your reason for the beginning, he would have to modify it, I often forget that while the beginning was very important, and also boost the beat more. I'll work! Thank you very much anyway!