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MagneticDragon - Highly Developed Souls


Greetings family,

I'm still alive apparently. Some of you might remember me. - I created the tracks 'the very end', 'cosmic consciousness', 'merlin', etc...

Anyways, I've been working on this track last week. I was playing around with the alien303 vst and came up to that acid lead that starts @ 0.25, the rest pretty much evolved around it kind of automatically. You know how it goes. Now there's something odd. In fruity loops the sound is clear and the exported file sounds different, little woozy. Anyone knows what could be causing this? Feedback/comments more than welcome.

wish you all the best





antares [be] - 14 years ago

Nice :) The first parts get a little repetetive though.. Because the sounds stay the same practeicly all the time (only that acid line..) Second part is great though!

Namechange? ;)

MagneticDragon [be] - 14 years ago

Thanks for the comment! Yeah.. I used this name when I signed up to soundcloud a while ago, better than the previous one..

Anunaki [be] - 14 years ago

not bad not bad

MagneticDragon [be] - 14 years ago

Thx for your opinion!

stryder [be] - 14 years ago

is that you Shi-Zen? some nice acids in the middle here but your kick is too pointy and present imho

MagneticDragon [be] - 14 years ago

Nope I'm not shizen, username used to be twister. Thanks for commenting.

Lapsus [be] - 14 years ago

Coooool! very good feel for melodies!
i would add some more trippy short sounds or even long pads with trippy fx on it! Zeker op het einde, zou heel goed passen. A little bit more layers maybe, this is a very good base!
Nice work!

MagneticDragon [be] - 14 years ago

Yooo lapsus,
thanks for the tips, good ideas.