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sennes - apes 'n monks - Circle squares


hey! I have e new VST called CamelCusher and I was just playing with a the sound and camelcrusher to make the bass sound, give me some advice please, thanks!





S-cape [be] - 13 years ago

Do you know those two vst killer:
-Guitar Rig
best in the world ;-) I also used the camel crusher, but not enough control.

sennes [be] - 13 years ago

No but is was a free VST, I'm searching for good vst now.
Camelcrusher is good for distortion and compressing.
I'll check them ;)
Need also distortion/compressor VST for kick and snare (like justice, daft punk)

S-cape [be] - 13 years ago

Im on the same quest dude.
Personaly for kick & snare i use usual sound mixed together with standard compressor & EQ. If you are intersted by the result I get in my RECENT tracks (recent, I insist again), I'll share my technics with pleasure.