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SEXTOY - Serial Killer


Here is an heavy dubstep track I worked last night. Didn't work alot on the intro or mixing. I foccused on the power of the basselines and the beat.

I'd like to complete the mixing and mastering, but my CPU is dead on this track (only using 3 massive VST at same time, but it's killing that damn CPU, so I can't make them fit very well) :s





Kedal [be] - 13 years ago

Nice Basslines !

Anonymous [be] - 13 years ago

second drop is faat :D

corbendallas [be] - 12 years ago

massive ms c est tres tres rempli dans les mediums , jai limpression que ça pert un peu de clarté , ms j avoue que j ai des ecouteurs de merde ici dc je dis ça comme ça