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SEXTOY - From Shit To Shiver
Here's a short dubstep cumshot I did few days ago. As usual, my CPU wont allow me to finish this track (with a decent intro and few modulations during the track).But I like the side "from shit to killing bass". During all the track, it's the same OSC I use, but I change settings step by step, with automation to make it clash after 1 minut.
I really dig the power of the vibe, even if the EQ/mastering isn't top good. I work with crap speakers, so I can't get a perfect sound.
Enjoy or not.
SEXTOY top 5:
Et Merde.. -
Orient Express -
What the.. ??? -
Serial Killer -
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endora [be] - 13 years ago
endora [be] - 13 years ago
ZARk [be] - 13 years ago
xeroderman [be] - 13 years ago
or buy a new pc ! boitier 30euros+alim 50 + carte mère 60+ processor i5 2500k 200euros , 340euro for a new pc only for sound (and a hdd from one of your old pc)
cool track man ^^
SEXTOY [be] - 13 years ago
First step, find a job.. then I'll think more seriously about music :/
SEXTOY [be] - 13 years ago
xeroderman [be] - 13 years ago
indianajohn [be] - 13 years ago
@Mr Xero: Pour un thumb up u just need to clic on the smily :)! ! ! !
@Sextoy: I'm in now in too far away to analyse your track ( i listened to it on my crap laptop speakers) but its sounds good! Le seule truc que je trouve a peu dommage (juste pour faire chier ;)) c que mtn que tu commence a avoir du niveau tu rentre dans la casual dub wobblé alors qu'avant ça tu fesai des trucs un peu plus personel...
Anyway good job, sounds realy good man!!!!!
SEXTOY [be] - 13 years ago
indianajohn [be] - 13 years ago
corbendallas [be] - 13 years ago
t inquiete pour ta popularite , ici c est MORT , il se passe plus tant de choses sur ebel :D Ms sinon je dirais la meme chose , dommage pour le concept dubstep wobble qui s est deja vu mais par contre c est clair que ça sonne vachement plus "propre" et que malgre tout il est qd meme bien puissant ce son :) Sinon , pas de secret pey , achete toi un nouveau pc avec un cpu de mamouth et tu nous fait des tueries haha