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Cecy-T - Midnight street


A recent music I made. I first try to make something different of what I use to do, so the introduction was created in a movie soundtrack feeling with a constant rising.

And finaly the second part is a more common hip-hop beat, just because I like hip-hop ;-)

I hope you'll enjoy





Anonymous [be] - 13 years ago

a 3min +- ca devient long domage et les hit hat trop electronique mais le reste super, bonne continuation...

babbaracos [be] - 13 years ago

good shit that intro, you clearly understand how to use those orchestral elements, but maybe can use some electronics creeping in, just a few to spicen things up offset the balance just a tiny bit
in any case good story you tell, lots of melodic elements and turns, just some more 'edge' and grit would be nice...
oh i like it around 4:20 best, it's less full at that point, i think if you cut and slice use less notes at the same time and let each element take its turn you can create more 'air' as well as add variation let the melodies breathe some more
good shit...