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Trimetrick - Bitch From Hell (original extended version)


Bitch From Hell

keep rattling my cage
i'll get into your veins
press my buttons long enough
and i'll eat your brains

always in my face
with the smallest detail
keep thinking you're on top
when i'm digging your grave
i'll be a bitch from hell

bitch from hell

nagging and suppressing
every single last flame
pointing and accusing
when there's only you to blame

patronize me one more time
narcissistic ego king
cashing in and checking out
before they find you out
i'll be a bitch from hell

bitch from hell

empress of the fallen grounds
venom queen of all revenge
slayer of your prejudice
bitch from hell




Anonymous [be] - 9 years ago

love the text. I feel i'm add work :)