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hetlamgods - Hairy Children




hetlamgods [be] - 20 years ago

Hey pussies! Drop a review! Spit some comments. I know it's not the best song around! What makes ik crap ans what makes it not? Bring it on here!! Boris

joez [be] - 20 years ago

i didn't like the beginning (choir) but when it gets loose it's a real fine piece of music. Maybe you can make the 'loose' part a bit longer ... and cut the angels?

HarryPoppins [be] - 19 years ago

yup, those reasonchoirs are a bit..
but the kinda twosteppy beatbass round 2 is nice..
didn't really like the song, not because its not my genre,
but because this song doesn't contain any tension or real emotion, just a collage of (really) nice soundz and bleeps and things.. gtz

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

some nice ideas, but in need of a new mix... some sounds supress others, I think because of the eq...

lose the choirs...

nice idea