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ELFENKOMMANDO - live @ klangKlang


live excerpt of a one hour set i did on the 2nd of februari 2005, porterHouse, ghent

pretty good sound, although i say so myself :)

was recorded on a portable minidisc player

no mastering afterwards

(i tryed to but (i.m.h.o.) it killed the live atmosphere, so ...)

(ow, enneuhmz Hans, sorry for the name of the mp3, but i couldn't find nothing else :p ;))





feindbild [be] - 19 years ago

i should come over to one of your next gigs. what did you use?

and about the name: it's ok, it revives !TKRÓKT! in me and that's a good thing ;) expect a 'kraker' soon :)

lorsen [be] - 19 years ago

groovy snare!!!!!!!nice freq sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepp!

Akwalek [be] - 18 years ago

what is it between skwatting and ebel?
i gave two weeks ago an experimental dance party at een kraakpand here in leuven and they told me they never organised such things in their "world".
break those cultural walls...