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Rabauw - Revolution Rebirth


My first real experiment in drum'n'bass. Hope you'll like it...


Rabauw top 5:




    Elfish [be] - 19 years ago

    guud track, but i think it needs a harder bass sometimes. The structure is guud and i like the vocal.

    Keep posting tracks!!

    Welcome at Ebel

    feindbild [be] - 19 years ago

    the vocal fits in well indeed, and things remain interesting forming a structured whole throughout the song. but work on the mix. would like to have heard the drums more upfront and punchier. some of the lead synth sounds could be a bit more interesting too (a little modulation and knob tweaking thrown in for good measure). keep posting though, it's promising.

    Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

    Yeah i think its just the sound design thats lacking. You have the right idea with the arrangement & your overall vision of the tune. In RS u were asking for pointers? i cant really comment to much because i cant see the rns file but feinbild was right about the saw synth needing something, maybe some scream fx or detuning an oscillator or some subtle lfo, maybe loosing a lot of the reverb & slightly smashing up the drums with scream & some eq for poke. Also some low SUB sinewave bass under the main synth would make the mix somewhat more sonic. & then work on the mix, you obviously feel for the D'n'B keep at it, like u said u gotta start somewhere, email me & maybe i can give you some better advice. Ganjaman


    kiande [be] - 19 years ago

    Pooooooooor Selectah!

    yenneman [be] - 19 years ago

    wow, one of the (very) few D'nB tracks I actually like...can't listen to most of the stuff, but this is a big exception.

    Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

    Rotslecht, bah, slechtste ooit gemaakt, cha tog knikkere man! :)

    SoLo [be] - 19 years ago

    i think that it miss an energy, your track is outbreathing after the middle and for mine the synth is too fat, but i like very much the voice who scream and your beat. that's all good continuation

    kaoz [be] - 19 years ago

    seemz some call u the king of knikker and the pinball-wizard (LOL), nevermind, it's clear u're open 2 more stylez and that's alwayz good! it also reminded me on selector, but i hate that band, especially their singer... dnb just has that typical drum so don't take my comment wrong, keep up...

    Bedlam [be] - 18 years ago

    Revolutioooooooooooon :>

    Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

    this is drum'n'bass like we like it
    go on and make my body feel this bass

    Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

    thanx, appreciate it.

    Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

    cool but i think u should introduce some crunchy distortion on the bass and then modulate it...

    nice one, thumb way up