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jean - spoony


this song is a mix of a song that i 've made before and my 'tamtam' mood of last weekend. it has a smooth bassline i think.





reaman [be] - 20 years ago

Well i can see why you liked messin' around... Yours is very good too, indeed one hell of a bassline. Let that dancy rythm fall in a little earlier and it would fit summer parties a little more.

reaman [be] - 20 years ago

OK, i changed this message because i posted the previous one two time and can't delete. Well, once again, even after a second listen the song holds my attention.

relaxotan [be] - 20 years ago

nice song!

cestqui [be] - 20 years ago

would eq that vocal more,the conga's remember me of a old sneak house production,some notes(piano)do not fit the chords(piano)but nearly perfect,very cool,may be a litlle less hi on that clap,to give those conga's more room,

as any producer ,each have its vieuw on the setup,woulden't change anything concrete,just the finetunning
lovely song,greetz

Funky [be] - 20 years ago

Wow! This is nice... You made those chords & scales yourself? Must say I'm impressed...Nice work! Greetingz

DJerem [be] - 19 years ago

yeahhh good piano Touch !!! You play well !!! I like that !!!

jean [be] - 19 years ago

only the vocal is not mine idea, the rest was made by meself. i'm quite proud about the 'pianosolo'.
thx for the comments, it will help for the futur.