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jin01 - the last war of jin


I have to try to make feel a suspense equal to the sound environment which one could find in a film... (ex: of fantastic style) Like an army of warriors advancing in troops close fighting until death...


jin01 top 5:




    Freakwincie [be] - 19 years ago

    Well, it really gives me the feeling im watching a movie, and i can see the battle in front of me just by listening to this.

    Very nice the way u build things up
    that wind gives a dark touch to it and those drums are deadly :D ,
    keep up the good work

    flewidz [be] - 19 years ago

    waaaaaah jin you tha man

    CommunionWine [be] - 19 years ago

    C'est un tres bon morceau : les sons sont vraiment monstrueux et on rentre vite dedans, mais sa longueur et son coté tres répétitif le rendent un peu lourd ... retravaille dessus et il peut vraiment devenire barbare !!

    reaman [be] - 19 years ago

    totally agree with freakwincie

    Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

    great track, goes to favs