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firefrog - chopperjob 2.0


this is my second version of chopperjob, one of my first tracks i ever made (in those times it was all with freeware :p). i tried to made it a little bit more ravy techno (like speedy j). maybe u can compare with the old version (see below)... c'estqui said i need to find other sounds than those which start at 1'40". what else should be changed?





djsennahoj [be] - 19 years ago

I don't like this comparison with speedy j. 'Cause Speedy is one of those guys who produce extremely big, noisy, almost angry sounds (which i dont like unless it's a mega 'rave'). Now, what i do like in his stuff are the illusions. The mindfucking changes of emplasis. His talent is that you get tempted think you can predict and 'see through' his tracks, and yet it's never obvious, it's always f*cked up ;).
This track here has a really dark sound, nothing else... It's too straight fwd.

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

well,ya found more suitable sounds,i give ya that,

now to get of that bore-dom away is another matter,9 minutes is way too long ,
also play with cv ,to add more motion,iff ya wanna copy speedy j

cant help it but,skipped a lot of parts,in order to listen it completely,it will need a facelift,sound also a bit forklift alike,that noiszy tune is to much

too much action in melody's,and no rythmic action,where's your speedy j,idea

firefrog [be] - 19 years ago

guys, thanx for the idea's and tips!! now i got reason 3, i'll definatly work a "little" bit with cv and other coewl trixx!!! some rythm-vartiation is indeed neccesary; for now, it are only 4/4-loops.. i'll also try to fit in some illusions, and bright it up a bit ;)

stryder [be] - 18 years ago

yeh nize peice of indus techno :heavy: