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firefrog - stabbed (v2.3)


i began this morning with an idea of a technotrack with powerfull stabs in it.

edit3:i worked further on the mastering, made the beats fatter, gave the baseline more sharp edges and added flanged-delay-effects in the second part to make it dirtyer. is it any better?





kino [be] - 19 years ago

not bad at all, but the bassline is a lil' bit "slordig"... keep going ;)

largo [be] - 19 years ago

Looking forward to the final version!!

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

wel jeroentje kmoet toegeve, ge kunt der wa van =) en hou me maar op de hoogte als ge der nog af hebt é, ciao, tot de volgende gypaète-meeting =p xxx karlien

adio [be] - 19 years ago

its quite good already! some sounds sound really familiar :)

biolson [be] - 19 years ago

really good

adio [be] - 19 years ago

hmm, i have some mixed feelings about this one.. one time i like it the other time I feel stuff is missing to make it a complete track
just feels a bit empty sometimes, maybe try making some more variation (the cowbell gets quite irritating after a while) + adding some elements to make it a little more 'full' (if you know what I mean) anyway, i posted a comment so you can assume its quite good, just not perfect yet
l8rs :)

mastering is fine by the way :)

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

me likes the closed hi hats,very adam,muhahahahah ahahahahahahah;

with the bazeline,it clips a bit,the kickdrum,is a bit drown in it,just a bit too mutch;

for the stab,i think its top dry at first,scared the shit out of me;i sujest,you put the stab into a reverse revev(very light),afterwards,through that reverb u use already;

its like your stab gives the most dynamic;

and it gets a bit boring;greetz

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

diden't like the changes,the voice is like the 2 mongolian guys from man bijt hond;

the sound is weaker then the previous version,not as deep;

may be its time you question your speakers,or your angles,lol


edit>>i find it too long,cut at least 2 minutes;you made it yourselve hard ,better to draw the story 1st

Jokke [be] - 18 years ago

Nice 'n strak! I realy like the piano that suddenly falls in. It brings a nice contrast that wouls certainly wake people up on the floor. Nice one. Grtz

ADHDboy [be] - 18 years ago

Nice track, keep on workin.

FlashPointProd [be] - 18 years ago

Very mooving :)
Bass is to moody. Maybe boost the 1000 to 3000 Hz

Akwalek [be] - 18 years ago

its clear to me you really thought about making this, its not my cup of tea at all but really like the story it has.

fabethefabulous [be] - 18 years ago

I find ke C is a little too repetitive A my taste if not the sounds sounds good

Erophin [be] - 18 years ago

great song...just more bass homie!!!

Rawc [be] - 18 years ago

cool track!
don't know what to think about the vocals however, I'd use a different tone of voice I guess.
but that's my only remark! thumbs up

filmjolk [be] - 18 years ago

ooohooo! well techno isn't my cup of tea... but once a year, i like to purify myself from all the stress and tension on a pleasant techno song... well thanks i'm pure for a year now! :D

xfreyr [be] - 18 years ago

verry nice

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Yea! I know I heard thisone before, and allthough i'm not really that familiar with the techno genre...This sounds pro...Like the break & vocals , once hell breaks loose, the atmosphere & pumpy dancetrack get's where I want it :) Erophin could be right bout the lows, haven't check on my moni's yet, but at first glance it could use some more low.... Nice fx works in the ending of the song...Sounds as good as finished..Nice how you've managed to be persistent & kept on work'n on the track...It payed off imho... Grtz man!

firefrog [be] - 18 years ago

*me so very red in da face right now*
*blush blush*
i'll take closer listenings for the final mix when i have my new moni's and soundcard! for now, i won't listen to it anymore, so i can have a "objective" listening within a month or so ;)

david [be] - 18 years ago

Not quite my cup of tea.
But there's talent, professionalism & work altogether on this one.
I really get into it after 2 minutes.
Good dope.

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

djoene , ge zijt de max, echt zolige muziek. en ik weet dat je het nog veel verder zal schoppen

adio [be] - 18 years ago

well, added to favs now :)
real nice work

aphone [be] - 18 years ago

punchy track for a punchy awakening :p nice to listen in the morning

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

yea good idea