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Ccreth - concentration
old cows that i fished out of the gracht :PSuggestions
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cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
good job,nice sound,only a bit weak in dynamics,and a very low mix
i realy like it after the break,rminds me at some bass xl party's
oh yeah,people,help this guy on his way,and motivate him,with some comments
he's new in here,but not where i come from
now the realy bad part>>mp3 noise in that vocal,use our micro
and the end is abrupt,and sucky sucky
well,up the next cow,i did some cowing myself,greetz
Ccreth [be] - 19 years ago
ok more comments welcome
1thing : i had to place this track in under construction but did wrong sry
visn [be] - 19 years ago
Distreality [be] - 18 years ago
get that rave sound more upfront, for inspiration check panacea...