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cestqui - tides


remixed version>>>a nice deephouse,that has dream melo's & strong subs,and a funky rhodes.i added in this version a sax most important>>>it kicks asss and shake's assss>>>if ya cant hear it ;go to





ZARk [be] - 21 years ago

that's pretty good .. the hihats are kinda weird at times ....but overall it's good ... very 'pro'.
where does the voice come from ?

FlashyJ [be] - 21 years ago

w0000t !!! nice song, really nice realisation, it sound really right and tight, i quite like this climax you build, this goes on my "music to make love" cd :p I hope the girl does like house & trance :p

kemi [be] - 21 years ago

yup. I like it too, the weird hhats reminds me L. Garnier (this guy puts every time wrong hats on his track :)

eddie [be] - 21 years ago

kemi - it is not a 'wrong' hat - it is the 'right' hat :) Laurent rules ;-)

cestqui [be] - 21 years ago

i pushed it to hard in the high frequency's with wavelab>>i need a more acurate mixing software>>iff ya use too many multibands compressors on each other it fuck up certain cool elements and shakes>or i need some more experiance with the program

ass the laurent garnier concerns,the guy is great but i dont like his songs too much>>but he's a great rythmick engeneer>and i experiment now with drums on a 't mesure ' combined with a straight drummachine,so sometimes it gets silly if the matching hi hat in a normal mesure is muted
have to give it a life apart,and it breaks normal traditions

and that's what i like about it ,and garnier too

cestqui [be] - 21 years ago

iff ya r interested??? i made a remix>>no high frequency's that are strange and i added a sax

check it out and let me know what ya think

eddie [be] - 21 years ago

i listened to it again and i can't help but feel that the rythms arn't right - as well in you melody as in your rythmlines.
eg - the rides and hihats are a bit weird - but that is not a problem - they tend to give some speed - but then you put below a conga (or bongo or i don't know how you call it) that slows down and that is opposite to the hihat rythm...
same thing for melody - you use the rhodeschord on the first measure (fine) and then u paste this weird rhodesmelody (i think some melodysmp?) that does not fit the rythm. Then when you add the sax.. it is complete - the sax is very slow and the delay is very long ... that gives it an extra weird vibe; i feel this could be a cool track but your rythmic combinations are just too unconventional.

(just my opinion)

kaoz [be] - 19 years ago

i don't think the rhythmz are wrong or unconventional. yes, a bit weird in the beginning, but i don't see the problem. i also liked the voice but i expected more from the sax...