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Faskil - Dar Es




eddie [be] - 21 years ago

nice chill track. If you got more, then give us more :-) the crowd (me) wants more. grtz en rspct

BTW: what do use? soft or hard?

ZARk [be] - 21 years ago

yup, nice track... quite refreshing

praecox [be] - 21 years ago


is this live tracked? I mean are the scratches etc live recorded? if not, you should try it :)

you have a good ear for usable samples ... train it and become a sample ninja ...


wow and I was only at half the song.
you ARE a sample ninja.
this is one for the HD ...
we need more.
so subtle so good

Gardebring [be] - 21 years ago

refreshing production that keeps it clean & simple, yet powerfull ... this track is hearby actually one of my +fav trip hop tracks online ;)

liquidbass [be] - 18 years ago

good shit!!!!!!!!!