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Trimetrick - The Rage


A lust keeping me from sleep
trembling earth under my feet
sets the stage where I will feed
in this night we will meet





Humbug [be] - 19 years ago

good work man... really!

brandtkalk [be] - 18 years ago

my ears are vibrating! yeah very good stuff!
and this one to ; more electro! (my advyz) ;)
it's pro

brandtkalk [be] - 18 years ago

right! it's indus in the developement!

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

great atmos, one of my favs

Anonymous [be] - one month ago

As many other songs you extraordinarily exemplary and such are the single greatest source of inspiration I can and may ever know within music. Thus I hope to one day provide the world a comparable gift in said realm with hope that it could do justice to your replaceable international treasure. Anyway, I wanted to ask what lyric precedes "your genes..." conscripted? Or something else? Thank you Trimetrick. The utmost love from my black hole heart to yours.

Anonymous [be] - one month ago

PS - pissing keyboard broke (on mouse with on-screen) error "irreplaceable." (not 'replaceable').