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mrMute - Mein Ohr tut so weh!


Some electro freakyness.

I'm not completely satisfied with the bassline yet because its too typical, but i had to add it because the track sounded too empty.
the track is created in fruityloops using KORG dmm samples and the 3x osc synth.
Comments, suggestions or anything else to say? spit!


edit: changed synth sounds and added louder 4/4 BD.





HarryPoppins [be] - 19 years ago

ad a big fat electrobeat on top!

Elfish [be] - 19 years ago

like the sounds!! maybe the bassline should be louder and the beats should be more worked out. I'm realy impressed by the wubbling melody.

Could you give me some tips bout fl?

FabioPersonale [be] - 19 years ago

Like the warbling sound but doesn't sound homogenic with the bassline I should add a sweep path or something that comes up with a sweep every 4 or 8 measures Overal i iike the track Can't wait till it finished