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phyrac - axis the night (demo)


this is an experimental track in the genre of the more melodic AFX-/squarepusher-tracks. this is only a demo, cause i have to work it out yet. maybe i'll be able to add a real violin. my only doubt is the rythm: isn't it too loopy? maybe i should work in reason with an lfo on the patterns-selector, so you never hear a pattern twice... but then its a hell of a job to fit it to the total song (cause you can't control which rythm you hear, it switches automaticly) ...
is this a good start?





icteder [be] - 19 years ago

it's a good beginning the start is a little to dry i think.you might add some more fx there.i think you should master(limiting compression,..) the whole also better to make it more as one .the arppeg melo is sometimes to loud check your exported wav for louder parts.the beat:kick should be more in front of the mix together with the snare i think.mind your frequency spectrum give every sound its frequentie.watch out for to much sounds in the same frequentie range.that's as far i can help you for now cuz i self am still workin on my mastering skills(it's realy a science on itself but feeling plays an imported part,listening..take some of your favourit idm songs and listen them over and over again).greets

firefrog [be] - 19 years ago

ow, no no, don't mind the mastering :D :D :D i just wan't to know if the idea, drums and melodies are good. you are right about the dry drums: maybe a little reverb would give it more warmth. anyway, for better soundquality, i will make every sound again in reason, exept the melo, that is my synth, which i record seperately==> explains why the melo is too loud: i don't see that on my vu-meters in ableton, what would be helpfull if i'm making a quick demo with silly headphones ;)

Doorchaser [be] - 19 years ago

My opinion: A good starting point. More of this and I will certainly listen!!

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

Very nice, I don't think the rythm is too loopy, it's good like it is! grtz

HarryPoppins [be] - 18 years ago

the way it builds up the first minute is cool! the snaredrum could be more snappy and louder, like a spanky sound.. very dreamfuL song pliepliep cool tof
the soundquality is really cool too, really does sound like a 90s electronica song (zie mij hier retro-tetteren, look at me retro-blablablaing) but anyway tof zegt :))

firefrog [be] - 18 years ago

thnx! i've already been busy on it. i put beatrepeats (in ableton) on all the rythm-loops, i added a string orchestra and a piano will also come in it. after the exams i'll post it on ebel

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

if it had some drillbeats in it i'd love love it, now tou'll have to do with a "i like" :)
i can here a little aphex in there, screaming to be released, more of dit