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Cameron - progress




reaman [be] - 19 years ago

i like it but there's not enough variation to me.
sounds promissing
i think it would work on the floor

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

well,this might may be your 1ste repetitive track,that i realy like;

very nice bazeline,and rhythme combination,nice background perc;

but you mensioned pounding,well,hmm

if the main synth would be more silent,you could pump the kick and bazeline;lots of low in the pad,that isen't that nesacary

trust me,this track would benifit 100% from it;

this is what i missed in your songs,the drive of the sounds,and reverbs;

but i gues ,thinkin a bit nasty-mean,makes the best out of you;

i'm glad,i can add this too fav;

may be another thing,i would introduce a vocalphraze,very dubbed -effected(h-foundation);

this is the shit,just my dj-cal opinion


4EYEZ [be] - 19 years ago

good stuff! deep.
repetitive indeed, but that really doesn't bother me in this song!

keep it up

djsennahoj [be] - 19 years ago

Shawn Rudiman synths=good choice. (The only deep house i actually care to buy in fact.) But i dont like the easy progressive arrangement, like most of your tracks. And it misses hihat action.

Funky [be] - 19 years ago

Very nice stuf! Got to add some voices with delays & some other fx...Maybe play somewhat more with some filters...Song is excellent work! Dancefloor material! Really how I like it! + fav also! Grtz

ELECTROWHITE [be] - 19 years ago

nice and pure, is that a fucked up vocal in ther saying dancing