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KoreDaLynche - Sois poli...avec Madame
KoreDaLynche top 5:
Tas de Koix en fer! (Le Secret Druidik) -
Skyzofrénik vouloir tuer! -
Nain-Porte-Nawak (utilitaire de petite taille) -
Sois poli...avec Madame -
Use ta Ridelle! (ScatPowa)
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BAMBAMBAM [be] - 19 years ago
LouLouW [be] - 19 years ago
reaman [be] - 19 years ago
i think it's easy for me to vote no because i don't like the genre.
that's not the only reason...
the voice samples are funny for once, even for twice but gets boring afterwards
i listened twice to the song to be able to give a funded comment
this song makes me think bout songs i made when i was 14 years old for two reasons: first i didn't find good instrument samples because there was no internet and second because this song is not finished: it needs a lot of finetuning (which is maybe not-done in hardcore) and the overall sound is very poor. Maybe it's my speakers or ears but then again, it's just my opinon. I believe there are a lot of people who can actually like this.