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CommunionWine - Come on bitch (Original mix)


First version of an instrumental track for hip hop (lyrics coming soon i hope !!!)
i think it's too repetitive but i don't want to continue it





PetSel [be] - 19 years ago

Nice song

icteder [be] - 19 years ago

hey very cool beat.it's like timbaland on acid.very cool song dude congrats.+favs

4EYEZ [be] - 19 years ago

Excellent!!! Very nice pianosample (superb positioning of the short pieces)..and other sounds are very nice too..had me groovin' instantly! congrats, fella!

Maybe one thing, suppose you made the drums somewhat more oldskool (instead of the electrofied snare en kick).. that could really give it a hiphop attitude..!
But really, one of the best hiphop tracks on this site, i think! Now for the rappin...

EDIT: change the title...this has an old skool vibe to it... 'come on bitch' sounds soooo commercial.. not to say plain wrong..

Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago

There's a bit of a jazzy feel to it. Now you just need some fancy, erotic rapping to it, probable themes: sex, porn, sex, porn, bondage, porn, sex, porn, snuff,... :)

aphone [be] - 19 years ago

oh yeah!!! nice work, just this clap is not the good one maybe but it s a really cool track

dorkbot [be] - 19 years ago

super dooper!

MucH [be] - 18 years ago

really great song!!

Kyran [be] - 17 years ago

what a groove! great man. Needs some vocals or skratches or whatever to keep interesting all the time though.
Did I mention the groove is awesome?