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Rabauw - Your Contrition


A man is suffocating under the weight of existence. All around him, he finds but hate, enmity, lies, abuse, hypocrisy, racism,... He cannot longer bear to witness the harshness of our reality. He sees but one way out... a rope to hang himself with.

A story of how our ways lead us to our own demise.

Comments appreciated, as always.


Rabauw top 5:




    reaman [be] - 19 years ago

    just a comment on your songdescription: if i were to search your song descriptions among a 100 others i would pick it out of the pack.
    now listening to the song: since you're a true musician it's got all elements to keep someone's attention. nice sensitive piano, electronic efx, a story (sad but true). Nice how the choirs collide with the brass. will try this out too once.
    The song is a collection of songs... nicely done!

    yenneman [be] - 19 years ago

    The part starting from 2'29" is soooo good! I love the way the main theme returns. Beauty.

    dorkbot [be] - 19 years ago

    nice one...

    kaoz [be] - 19 years ago

    beautiful track... don't give in 2 the bastardz!

    Despoilah [be] - 19 years ago

    Dude you almost made me cry !
    nice stuff man I love your ambient :o

    Bedlam [be] - 18 years ago

    the piano starting 2min is very very cliché and rather simple harmonic chain although it goes through fine...

    But maaaan the string are sooo fine
    the ambient sounds are so great (except for that spacy one )
    then u switch into a closed light guitar sound (?) very neat and very calm sweet (u could add more reverb into it)

    Although the song is a 2x repeat of almost same structure with 2 different instruments its really good, i mean its ambient anyway, it has to be somewhat repetitive !
    The end having all instruments add up is very good.
    But you're piano needs more reverb and maybe a little compression to make it sound more distant !

    I have to say the composition is great.
    I think you're overall weakness in most of your songs is the "unicitation" (to make unique) of your samples ! If you work on the samples you use alot more you can be made !

    Loved it !

    P.s: and by the way if you can find the right word for "unicitation" please inform me !!!

    Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

    Thanx man,
    you got some points there.
    I'll keep it in mind.

    ELFENKOMMANDO [be] - 18 years ago


    Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

    fits the description...

    LaLuceNazione [be] - 18 years ago

    i would like to quote yenneman: the part starting from 2 29 is soooo good!
    great track, the middle of it is very surprising: first you have that dark ambient athmosphere, then come the pianos with this really sad/emotional thing in it... kinda gave me the cry-feeling without the tears!
    would be great as a soundtrack i guess

    brandtkalk [be] - 18 years ago

    so delikat sensibility

    Sumic [be] - 18 years ago

    Hmmm sorry to disappoint you, but I think the track sounds rather "flat". You have an arsenal of sounds put in here, but they miss some "character". It's rather hard to explain. The overall melody and mood setting is ok, but I think you could've gotten more out of this track.
    Also a little thing: I don't quite understand why this is in the "ambient" section. Ambient is rarther repetitive and monotone, while this track isn't. Personally, I would've placed this in the "soundtrack" section or something like that. But hey, that's a matter of opinion :)

    Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

    Thanks Sumic! I'm not disappointed at all mate, in fact I'm happy with your comment, for I respect and appreciate your honesty! I wish more people that don't like a song would tell me why, so I can learn from it!
    No prob mate, can't like 'em all, I don't expect anyone to like my songs, I just expect them to give their honest feedback... like you did. Cheers!