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LeBelgeElectrod - Adelaïde


**********READ ME*********

It is the Celtic Arfcore "gavotte" that I composed in 3/4.

Because someone sayd "the arfcore need something" and i search this something.

It is a real research, not a track frenzy. But regrettably it flunked.

Thus do not attach importance has the tone or to the stamp but more to the concept.






Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago

You've got the folk melody, not the folk sounds... but I guess that's what in your "read me" text is written (your text fucks up --> see forum, gonna start a thread about that, happens with many people)

Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago

btw great track actually, if I don't consider the electro music, it's quite great folk, the tempo changes are well-done (that's hard shit to make with software)

Top notch programming!
into favs!
EDIT: ah, Okay you've edited your song description.

LeBelgeElectrod [be] - 19 years ago

Yes i see ! thx ;)

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

verry verry nice man. did you find the sample or how did you do to have the melody in some kinde of 8bit sound?

LeBelgeElectrod [be] - 19 years ago

i made all with monomate and the plug vst knagalis for the bag pipe

kino [be] - 19 years ago

realy nice!
downloaded it

ROne [be] - 19 years ago

Very very good song, but test to have more (in french : "structure") ! ;p

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

Fantastic, really nice. Different.

Bedlam [be] - 18 years ago

If I was playing 20 year old RPG game or something I would really enjoy this music :)

It's very nice !
the bagpipe sound you've got is very nice you could've use it a bit more often maybe :)