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viggen - The Flow


okay, tried some 'minimalistic' piano, but that didn't sound well. just can't seem to find a right piano tone and create some kinda melody. i also think that only some piano notes, kinda improvisation or something, can fit this song. so the second melody is cancelled for now. i think the clipping problem should be over (can't hear it myself, cause of not having a good sound system). i presume cestqui will tell me when it's still not okay :). thanks again for your help.





cestqui [be] - 18 years ago

left channel is clipin,besides that,i liked the emptyness,and the secure dynamics;

so clipin is a litlle isue,compared what ya brought,big up;

but,it mis something,a other melo,kinda pad,if ya ask me;

anyways,,posted it in the wright genre,now just the rest of the song;will folow the progress,cheers,and happy 2006

viggen [be] - 18 years ago

thanks for the constructive comment and support, cestqui. i tried some pads, but they didn't really work out. maybe i'll try a piano (if i come up with a good melody). now i have to look up the meaning of the word 'cliping' ;).

cestqui [be] - 18 years ago

clippin,is overload of sound,i presumme you makade the song in reason;

its in reason,at the bottom,left corner,where the led,turns sometimes red,lol

red is clipin,so if ya use something else,look for a red light,to check if,its the wright one,just stop the music;

it will go out,see the light in 2006,lol


viggen [be] - 18 years ago

no, made it in fl studio; thanks for the help, already found out i should lower the main volume or something :)

Syndaesia [be] - 18 years ago

This track rocks!
You're always saying " I don't know that much about producing", but hell
you've got a gift man, I enjoyed this song, it reminded me of Laurent Garnier, seriously:) This is what house is all about,very clever:) Add some more details here and there and you've got yourself a masterpiece!

Akwalek [be] - 18 years ago

well, iam glad i listend to some muze of yours, your sounds still are a bit hollow and unfinished, and the intro really is weak but i like the concept, not realy hearing Laurent here though....
keep it up
+ make outro??