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101sonic - As far as the stars


For the moment I have not a computer to make music, that's why to record this song; I used just a multi track recorder+grove box and I played live. Yes, there are some mistakes:-/ I will re-edit them a bit later with my new configuration.

I wanted to shared this song immediately because even though like this(without midi, without reason etc) was enoughly good to my ears.

I put a large reverb on drum part to make the song deeper.

Please warn me if this song suit to ambient section. I can change then.
Please warn me if this song is an elevator song :-)
Feel free to put (+) (-) finger or any good/bad comment. I'd like to know peopel's sens.

I wish you new hopes in 2006





lorsen [be] - 19 years ago

my realy personal opignon : this track dont need drums...but its my personal opignon...anyway nice sweet melodies

ps:"Please warn me if this song is an elevator song" why ? muzak (elevator music) is cool !

dorkbot [be] - 19 years ago

i don't like the drums... to much reverb; makes it sound very cluttered and muddy...


stryder [be] - 19 years ago

your strings need more variation, i would personally stick with the drums but the rev is to big, i like this ambi tune

AMF [be] - 19 years ago

Nice atmosphere. ;)

dropthedyle [be] - 19 years ago

great mood but i second lorsen for the drums: no need.

Akwalek [be] - 18 years ago

Perfect Atmosphere.Redo the beat strucs and youve got yourself a real emotional chiller...

TheThreatOfDawn [be] - 17 years ago

sounds a lot like the sad interludes VNV-nation often uses on theire CD. It's not elevatormusic to me... sounds beautifully sad. ++